Brandon Trevino: Pottery
There’s a moment in the pottery shop that captivates crowds and craftsmen alike. It’s the moment a lump of clay seems to leap to life. The potter’s hands apply just...

Tehya Anz: Cafe Homestead
While many aspiring actors wait tables in Hollywood while auditioning and hoping for their big break, Tehya Johns, now Tehya Anz, went the opposite way. She left a successful acting...

Blake Loree: Woodworking
When Blake Loree begins a new woodworking project, he thinks in terms of generations. Blake specializes in crafting Windsor chairs, known for their simple aesthetics and ergonomic comfort. He wants...

Benetta Mickens: Macramé
In the hands of a macramé artist, yarn and knots can create almost anything. And guided by Benetta Mickens, who creates and teaches the art of macramé at Homestead Heritage,...

Caleb Tittley: Glasswork
Glassblowing is captivating to watch as molten glass, heated by open flames, take shape and transforms before your eyes. Caleb Tittley has turned a childhood fascination with glassblowing into a...

Jim Moore: Miller
The gristmill at Homestead Heritage and the miller who turns grain into flour weren’t born in Texas, but both got here as fast as they could. The mill, constructed before...